
Bed days for children and young people in CAMHS tier 4 wards

This chart shows the total number of bed days for children and young people under the age of 18 in CAMHS tier 4 wards. The figures can be examined from a national perspective or ICB level. You can also compare data with up to five other areas.

Explore the charts: For ICBs, click on the tab then click in the box to compare data sets. These data are not standardised so comparisons ICBs should be interpreted with caution.

Policy context

For children and young people with mental health problems, there are four tiers of NHS care provision. Tiers one to three are community or outpatient-based and commissioned by clinical commissioning groups and local authorities. Tier four services treat patients with more complex needs usually requiring inpatient treatment.

These figures provide a useful marker for monitoring trends in NHS funding, performance and capacity of the system to deliver Five Year Forward View for Mental Health commitments and the more recent ambitions of the Long Term NHS Plan for children and young people.

Notes: These data also include children and young people receiving care in medium secure, and deaf inpatient services.

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