Spending on adult substance misuse services
This chart shows how much is spent after adjusting for inflation on adult substance misuse services across England, local government or within an individual local authority. Data for prevention and treatment were reported separately from 2016/17 onwards, but have been combined for the purposes of consistency. Spending is shown in real terms (2023-24 prices) based on the latest GDP deflator from HM Treasury (October 2024). You can also compare data with up to four other areas.
Exploring the charts: To explore local government regions or local authorities, click on the tab then click in the box to compare data sets.
Policy context
Substance misuse services were transferred to local authorities from 2013/14 onwards.
Dame Carol Black was appointed by the Government to lead an independent review to examine the harm that drugs cause and look at prevention, treatment and recovery. The review reported in two phases in September 2020 and August 2021.
The Black Review determined that the Government should be investing an additional £552m by year 5 on top of the then £680m expenditure from the public health grant and this recommendation was accepted.