NHS staff survey scores for Workforce Race Equality Standard themes
This chart shows the percentage scores from staff working in NHS mental health trusts for two NHS staff survey questions related to the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES). They illustrate the percentage of respondents that believe there are 'equal opportunities for career progression/promotion'; and the percentage 'experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives, or the public in the last 12 months.'
The figures can be examined at provider level only and are provided for staff respondents by ethnicity across the last three years.
Policy context
The NHS staff survey, ran annually since 2003, asks staff in England about their experiences of working for the NHS with the intention of the information being used to help organisations understand and compare their own performance.
The Equality, diversity and inclusion theme score is based on a composite of questions on issues such as: opportunities for career progression; adjustments made for those with long-term physical or mental health condition or illness; experience of discrimination; and the provision of equal opportunities.