
Hospital admissions for self-harm in children, young people and adults

These charts show the number of people who were admitted to hospital for self harm, and were treated or referred. They cover young people aged 10-24, and adults over 25. These figures can be examined from a national perspective, CCG or STP level. You can also compare data with up to five other areas.

Exploring the charts: To explore ICBs, click on the tab then click in the box to compare data sets. Data for Q2 2020/21 was never published by NHS Digital so is missing from the chart.

Self-harm admissions, 10-24 year olds

Self-harm admissions, 25+ year olds

Policy context

These figures provide a useful marker for monitoring trends in NHS funding, performance and capacity of the system to deliver Five Year Forward View for Mental Health commitments and the more recent ambitions of the Long Term NHS Plan for children, young people and adults.

Notes: All data is subject to age standardisation per 100,000 population.

Self-harm is defined by external cause codes (ICD10 X60-X84) which includes intentional self-poisoning and intentional self-harm. This definition does not include cases where intent is unclear.

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